We follow a rhythm, be it a weekly, monthly or quarterly rhythm. A rhythm allows us to plan it, prepare for it and that will bring peace.
Yes, online. To save time, be more focussed and have everything digitally documented for referencing purposes.
Get together
Your team knows what’s going on, what needs to be done and where they’re going. It’s the team that needs to be on the same page. It’s the team that has to visualize the same horizon.
It's only in hindsight that we can connect the dots.
Look back
We don’t need to let the past define the future, but we do need to see what we did and what the impact was. What gave us energy? What brought us further? Where did things go south?
Once we know how the team performed in the previous period, it’s time to orientate. Where are we now? Where are we going next? What obstacles do we foresee and how will we manage them?
If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.
Does everybody know their tasks? Is everything clear? Is the team ready to work towards the bigger goal?
Move forward
Hey ho, let’s go! Time to move forward and do some work!
Collective knowledge
Every member of the team has a part of the expertise and know-how. When we bring these parts together, wonderful things happen.
Actionable outcomes
Less talking and more doing. Less clicking and more typing. When we all know what needs to be done, it only has to be done to get it done.
The facilitator
Hi, I’m Wannes. I’m a facilitator at wann.es. I convert collective knowledge into actionable outcomes. While doing so, you and your team can focus on your strengths: product, project and market knowledge.
Is this what your team needs?!
Let's get in touch!
What you get
Kick-off meeting
Expectations + team
Mapping of the process or project —> what are you working on, and where are you going?
Annual planning
Recurring meetings
variate retrospectives
Lightning decision jam based on the retrospective
Adapt, adjust and supplement the mapping
Together, we define the frequency and the rhythm, which of course can be altered based on new insights. We plan a minimum of 5 workshops upfront: 1 to kick-off and 4 quarterly workshops.